Well, I am just home from vacation in 1000 Islands, New York. I love it there. It was a trip down memory lane. I was last there in the mid '80s it think. So much is the same but there were a few changes, namely to the unbelievable improvements to Boldt Castle and Heart Island.
It was wonderful to experience the restoration of such an amazing structure that was a testament to an amazing but tragic love story. There is something about the comfort of ages past, the detail and care of all things crafted in that age.
There wasn't much time or space for me to be all that artsy crafty while away. I took inspiration pictures... I did take a little project with me. I have been collecting charming buttons most of which are antique buttons that belonged to my grandmother. Grandma was a seamstress and when she passed away mom, my sister and I ended up with her sewing stuff, machines, needles, notions and buttons. My mom has many memories of garments these buttons were attached to. There is something about the older buttons that just seem to encapsulate the charm of comforting fond memories in a compact winsome heirloom. A button is like a hot cup of cocoa that lasts lifetimes. Just like the castle there is a glorious past that conjures images of history and a time of honorable quality and care for details. It is the detail of each of these buttons that endears them to me.
Enough of trying to put words the intangible feeling I have for these miniature tangibles. I have this unremarkable cardigan that I picked up at Goodwill some years ago. It is practical and comfortable. It is the perfect weight for giving me a wee bit of warmth when I need it. Well I decided that this cardigan will be stage for some of these buttons. So I took my needle and thread and a pouch of buttons.

So this is the preliminary layout I came up with while I was waiting
for my turn to go on the canoe. I finished up all the front buttons in
near darkness that night. You can see I forgot scissors and a
seam ripper. You can tell this garment is a bit older made by a better
quality manufacturer because the buttons were difficult to get off. My
sister happened to have a nail clipper with her. I plan to add buttons to tack down the cuffs on the pockets and maybe some on the sleeves. The completed work in a post to come...