My card below won! How exciting. We just got home from the opening exhibition. The cards submitted were fantastic -- funny, snarky, clever, elegant, and sweet. That little baby was worth $100 dollars. And yes for two days Kelli's Heart card was my baby, I can't tell you how many revisions and additions this card went through to become my final and winning design. It's a thrill. My real baby and light of my life came with us to the exhibition and he was the true artwork on display the collective cheer and ooo's and ahhh's when we came through the door was just hilarious. He was the highlight of the party just about everybody worked the room until they got to him. Maybe he's got some connections I don't know about.
I am trying to decide if it will be available in the shop. Gotta go, Olympic opening ceremonies are on. There will be a post about that later I am sure.