So here you have it. Patone's color of the year. I love it. I've downloaded the swatch library and I'm ready to go.
Now my only question is this, since Pantone the self described, "...worldwide standard for color communication and inspiration since 1963" has communicated that this rosy shade is their color of the year and therefore OUR color of the year, why the heck is their Facebook profile picture purple? (*link updated) Come on, Pantone get with the program. Honeysuckle pink is, "A Color for All Seasons Courageous. Confident. Vital. A brave new color, for a brave new world. Let the bold spirit of Honeysuckle infuse you, lift you and carry you through the year. It’s a color for every day – with nothing “everyday” about it." via Come on Pantone, get infused already! It's time to get your pink on!