It has been another early morning for me. Since 3am... My eyes are heavy and with the help of earplugs I'll try to slumber through the little birdies' delight at the new day. Before I drift I thought I'd share the particularly intriguing results of my sleep-deprived pre-dawn surf.
It all started at the Letter Writers Alliance. Seemed like I should be a member since a large part of what I create are enablers and encouragers for hand written snail mail postings. I am not sure now how I got there but one thing lead to another.
I then found myself on an intriguing and anonymous blog requesting, "Send Me A Million Postcards". Which then led me to the postcrossing site. How I didn't know about all these before I don't know, but I LOVE that there are lots of people out there who like and long for real mail like I do and that they are using our modern technology to enable and preserve an analog way of keeping in touch the post offices around the world should be thrilled.